CO2 Value Australia
the industry policy group which represents a wide range of CO2 utilisation stakeholders in Australia, working together to develop a new industry sector and contribute to a lower carbon future.
CO2 Utilisation
CO2 utilisation or Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) as it is generally called is the transformation of CO2 captured from industry processes or directly from the atmosphere into valuable products such as building materials, fuels or chemical feedstocks.
CCU makes captured CO2 a useful raw material rather than a costly liability. Recycling industrial CO2 emissions which would otherwise be released into the atmosphere both creates new industrial growth opportunities and limits net GHG emissions. This makes CCU part of the emerging circular economy. When CCU technologies combine soon to be cheap and abundant renewable energy with CO2 from captured emissions or the atmosphere we have the prospect of net negative emissions from industry plus the potential to replace CO2 feedstocks derived from fossil fuels.
Market analysis and research, such as a January 2020 report released by the Thunderbird School of Global Management (Arizona State University), continues to indicate that carbon-capture products are capable of developing global market opportunities to the value of US$5 trillion.
CCU is also sometimes called Carbon Capture and Manufacture (CCM) or Carbon-to-Value (C2V). In the US it is often called Carbontech. It complements established Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology. But with CCU CO2 is transformed into products rather than injected into geological reservoirs deep underground as compressed CO2.
About us
CO2 Value Australia is a not-for-profit industry body based in Canberra. Our mission is to promote the development and deployment of sustainable industrial solutions which transform captured CO2 into useful products.
The Directors of CO2 Value Australia are:
- John Beever | Co-Founder, GreenMag Group
- Jez Smith | Chief Scientist Emeritus, Orica
- Sophia Hamblin Wang | Chief Operating Officer, MCi Carbon
- Dr Kelly Robinson | Manager Clean Technology, Orica
The objectives of CO2 Value Australia are to be:
CO2 Value Australia members consider CCU to be one of a range of technology solutions needed to deal effectively and sustainably with climate change.
Our members:
- Accept that anthropogenic climate change is happening and is firmly demonstrated by the science;
- Consider CCU technologies can contribute significantly toward the low-carbon circular economy envisaged in the COP21 Paris agreement;
- Agree sustainable CCU solutions must be based on rigorous and accepted technical and economic methods and Life Cycle Analysis standards.
- It is the position of CO2 Value Australia that all climate change mitigation solutions should be assessed on their merits, and where effective and appropriate each technology should be supported. No single solution can achieve the reductions in greenhouse gases needed in the time available.
CO2 Value Australia seeks to work collegially with other Australian groups involved in climate change solutions and action.
CO2 Value Australia also works internationally, particularly in partnership with CO2 Value Europe, the world leading Brussels-based ‘think and do tank’ dedicated to global action on CCU.
CO2 Value Australia members are university researchers, private consultants, new project facilitators, technology start-ups and established industry involved in CCU.
Members share news on developments, relevant programs, project opportunities where and to the extent they choose to do so. Members are also connected with relevant seminars, meetings or conferences.
Membership Offer
There are two levels of membership offered to organisations as approved by the Board.
Established organisations with ongoing funding: AUD$10,000
Start-ups: AUD$2,000.
Latest CCU News
11 March: The Contribution of Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) towards Climate Neutrality in Europe
10 November: The Australian Top 100 Energy Players: MCi Carbon feature on the front cover
19 September: Grant applications open - Carbon Capture Technologies Program provides organisations with up to $15m to reduce Australia’s emissions.
31 July 2023: Making a case for CCU : Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) publishes report
27 July 2023, DOE, Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $100 Million US to Transform Climate Pollution into Sustainable Products
13 July 2023, Cosmos: Why add carbon dioxide to concrete?
21 March 2023, The Conversation, ‘It can be done. It must be done’: IPCC delivers definitive report on climate change, and where to now
delivers definitive report on climate change, and where to now-
19 December 2022, Australian Financial Review: Spanish giant joins $1.7b Tassie hydrogen project
1 December 2022, US National Academies: Carbon Dioxide Utilisation Markets and Infrastructure: Status and Opportunities: A First Report
3 October 2022, Australian Financial Review: How Elon Musk’s cash helped these Aussies suck carbon out of the air
22 September 2022, Global CO2 Initiative: Implementing CO2 capture and utilization to scale and speed: The path to achieving its potential
18 August 2022, Australian Financial Review: This entrepreneur speeds up time to turn carbon into building products
25 June 2022, Forbes, David Blackmon: "Carbon Removal And Usage Gaining Traction".
3 November 2021: CVA Director Sophia Hamblin-Wang and Member MCi Win COP26 Clean Energy Pitch in Glasgow
13 August 2021, CSIRO: CO2 Utilisation Roadmap
21 June 2021, John Beever: We can bury carbon dioxide, or recycle it as a valuable resource
29 March 2021, CSIRO ECOS: Turning carbon from a waste into a resource
December 2020, John Beever: Is It time for an Australian carbon capture & utilisation policy?
30th October 2020, Intellasia Report on G20 and Circular Carbon Economy: G20 Promotes the Circular Carbon Economy (CCE)
9th January 2020, Professor Volker Sick: How using CO2 as an industrial feedstock could change the world.
21st January 2020, Thunderbird School of Global Management: The Multi-Trillion Dollar Market for Climate Restoration Through Carbon-Capture
28th November 2018, Rory Jacobson & Matt Lucas: Carbontech: A trillion dollar opportunity
Carbon180 Factsheet: The Carbontech Market
Media Releases
For further information please contact John Beever, Chair of CO2 Value Australia directly at john.beever@greenmaggroup.com
© 2020